The sessions aim to help you reach better and quicker results with your emotional and spiritual development.
You will learn how to overcome difficult times by:
You will learn how to overcome difficult times by:
- using your healing inner-powers through sound
- easily expressing your deepest feelings without the need to use language. This is important because the mind sometimes hangs on to words and does not allow a letting go of stories and limiting believes
- learning very simple exercises that cut through the mind's limitations and working through them without too much pain
These sessions are not meant to train you as sound therapist but their focus is to help you make the most of what you already have in you.
About the exercises:
You will benefit from clear instructions, encouragement of your progress and
is tracked is and to create through sound with their voices and breathing the space that helps them create better ideas and move forward with loving actions.
About the exercises:
- All sound, body and breath exercises that you will learn are vers simple, natural and do not require any pre-skill at all
You will benefit from clear instructions, encouragement of your progress and
is tracked is and to create through sound with their voices and breathing the space that helps them create better ideas and move forward with loving actions.
As a bonus, upon request, I can offer my channelling and mediumistic abilities if you desire to go deeper into your spiritual journey and have useful and practical insights.